AKA, Yemi Alade, Flavour And Others Perform At The Sma Concert For African Unity

African promoters the VAS Company & MCOMM Solutions & Services
today announced the South Africa Meets Africa Concert due to take
place at the end of October at the Nasrec Expo Centre in Johannesburg.
Set to take place on Saturday 24th October 2015, the concert has a
colossal line-up of SA & Africa’s finest live acts due to descend into the
city for one unforgettable night of festivities and celebration. In honour
of Nigeria’s Independence Day taking place in October and unity
amongst all African nations, this showcase will allow 20 of the biggest
headliners the continent has to offer right now to come together for the
first annual SMA Concert.
Featuring African hiphop giants Wiz Kid, AKA, Davido and KO, award
winning artists Flavour and Bucie, Uhuru, Yemi Alade, new school
sensations Burna Boy, Durban Nyts, Emmy G, Runtown, producer
extraordinaire Anatii, & the world renowned Soweto Gospel Choir. The
super talented Mozambiquean powerhouse Dama Do Bling also joins the
line-up, as well as the R&B Crooner Darey.
In the midst of all the expected revelry, South Africa’s own T’bo Touch
will be on hosting duties for the evening, and will be joined by Nigeria’s
musically pioneer and Beat FM host Olisa Odibua. Official DJ’s for the
concert includes Spinall & Metro FM’s own DJ Jawz.
‘The South Africa Meets Africa Concert is all about UNITY and what
better way to unite its people’s than through music. Diversity will be the
constant of the day promising to reinforce that music truly brings
everyone together’ says VAS Company CEO Chidi Okeke.
With the collective acts we will be bringing together for this one of a kind
inaugural showcase, we hope to gather the masses and the replicate this
to take to all corners of the continent.
All you have to do is turn up! SMA 2015 is sure to be the best thing
Africa has to offer musically this year.
Tickets go on sale this Thursday at Computicket.
Concert Information:
Saturday 24 October 2015
Ticket Pricing
•General Access R350
•Golden R450SMA-FLYER-640x431@2x